Bainitizing in theory and practice

In-depth knowledge of the mechanisms and material science processes involved in bainitizing. The aim of this seminar is not only to impart basic knowledge of materials technology, but also to demonstrate process engineering, quality assurance and application by means of component examples, starting with the fundamentals.

Increasing demands on energy efficiency and the reduction of emissions lead to a constant increase in performance and higher stresses on components in vehicle and mechanical engineering. Bainitizing has gained enormously in importance as an alternative to conventional heat treatment in recent years and is being used for more and more high-strength components. In particular, there are a number of technological advantages, such as high toughness combined with high hardness, low distortion and usually a favorable component residual stress state, which are far from being achieved by conventional martensitic hardening. Innovations in process control and process monitoring have also made bainitizing more economical. This opens up new applications and possibilities.

In order to fully exploit the potential of this hardening process, in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms and material science processes involved is required. The aim of this seminar is not only to impart basic knowledge of materials technology, but also to demonstrate process engineering, quality assurance and application using examples of components. Using practical demonstrations in the hardening shop and metallography, participants will learn about the process sequence and quality assurance options.

The date of the seminar will be set at a later date.

Are you interested in this AWT event? Contact us directly here:


Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT Badgasteiner Str. 3 28359 Bremen


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e. V. (AWT)


Mi, 15.01.2025 - Do, 16.01.2025
